The e-mail just popped in. Kapil's Korner is now listed at Blogwise. It's a massive directory of blogs listed under countries and other subjects. It's a great place to surf around if you have nothing else to do online.
Meanwhile I spent the day trying to tweak the template of my blog- I want:
- More white space
- Center Table should be spread to full page size
- A few colors need to be changed.
- Add some more content to the sidebar
But it's been more than a few years since I worked with HTML, CSS and the lot. So it's been a hair pulling exercise so far, but I am sure I will get the new look soon. If you think something needs to change around here drop me a line. I uninstalled Pluck because it was giving me trouble with the IE integration. I installed FeedDemon @ work and I am going to use the Trial Version till it lasts. But I think I am going to like the sync function with Bloglines, yet to try it.
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