- My new blog reader
A few weeks back I wrote this about My Yahoo! Of course I don't think anyone at Yahoo would ever end up reading my blog here so most of my wishes would just remain those - "Wishes".
However, the other day I read about Rojo on Quick Online Tips and I seemed to have liked it. They have an extensive tour of the whole website, but I was too impatient so I just went straight ahead and signed up for an account (it's free, so why not!). You can find extensive reviews online but I am going to make this real simple if you want a good online blog reader/manager. If you have been using an offline tool, it may take a while for you to make the switch.

- You can view all thumbnails used in the blog NO image loss
- Option to view Read / Unread posts in a simple screen
- You can tag each posts based on the keywords you select and then also get an option to read only those posts which have your keywords.
- E-mail this story - You can share posts easily with friends right from inside Rojo.
Will give an update on more features as I add more feeds. Meanwhile as a small gesture to promote Rojo, I inserted the chicklet to my blog template.
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