I very rarely go with other peoples opinion. I listen to it all - but the decision is most of the time - My. But for once tonight I decided to go ahead and watch "Kaal" thanks to a few suggestions. And of course not forgetting the gang dumped my movie recommendation. Where do we end up? In Orbit Park which looked more like the Jurassic Park re-created. I think they did a fine job in location hunting but the promotional noise made about the movie being all about man-eaters - CRAP! It's more about the "spirits, bhoot pret, aatma" etc. Too much is written and you can read detailed reviews everywhere.
From me just one word: Avoidable. Of course movie time can't be complete without the ice-cream and today it was a Cornetto butterscotch - YUM! And before we left N passed around some left-over cheese corn balls and veg rolls - A midnight snack never hurt anyone did it?
It's been a relaxed day, I was back home before 6PM which gave me good rest and the time to fiddle with the Canon. I loved the slow/fast shutter speed effect - I always wondered what the hell was this all about. Ankit seems to be already sending out invites for his birthday celebrations. Dude, we shall be there - but are you going to serve us the "poison"?
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