The powerhouse comes along

Look at this piece. Rocks! It's a HP Pavillion zd7000 - mega powerhouse. Loaded with a massive 1GB RAM and a 40GB Hard Disk this is like a "desirable one" for me. The looks kill - a 17" widescreen with graphics card makes DVD viewing a pleasure. I didn't buy this one so I won't bother with the details. We are taking this machine to Malaysia to work on some video edits and flash work. Keeping our fingers crossed that the operation will be smooth.
Meanwhile I have been arranging the other hardware we will need for the trip. Tomorrow I shall be getting a crash course on better videography. Need to get some expert tips so that I can do a good job around there. I am excited but looking at the client's deliverable list is keeping me under pressure. Besides it's been a tough week at office and I need to get a good night's sleep to re-charge my batteries for the trip.
With so much to write about I am sure my blogging activity should be on a good high - but I promise to cut the crap. Talking about blogs - I made a new blog friend, Sanguine. Hey there, thanks for the comments and some great posts out there at Celeb(be)rating Life.