Bloglines Problem: Please Help
Attached here is a screen-shot of how my blog posts appear in Bloglines. They are incomplete, don't have the necessary hyperlinks in the post. All that is missing. The photos with each post also don't appear.
I have other blogspot users added to my Bloglines, but their posts are complete with necessary photos in there. Could the problem be because I use the Feedburner feed? Will appreciate if someone can provide me with some inputs on how to solve this little issue here.
Update: jessiec from Feedburner has posted some information here based on which I tracked this thread at the Feedburner Forums.But my bloglines has not been updated yet. Problem solved.

Update: jessiec from Feedburner has posted some information here based on which I tracked this thread at the Feedburner Forums.
Tags: Bloglines , Feedburner , Blogspot
Hi Kapil,
Looks like there is an issue with one of the Bloglines clips that was spliced into your feedburner feed (11-17) that is causing the feed to be invalid, which in turns affects references to images and such.
We haven't seen this before so we are going to add it as a bug in our system but it may take some time to find it since it is a rare case.
You may want to consider disabling the bloglines clip splicing in your feedburner feed and then perhaps reenabling again to see if it works.
Feel free to post in our forums at as it is actively monitored and maybe others in the community have run into the same issue.
Thanks for using Feedburner,
Feedburner Team
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